Sharon Dumas
Sharon’s unique formula of health, beauty and self-esteem has delivered unmatched results. Founded in 1982, The Full and Fabulous program has had ZERO teen pregnancies in its 40-year history.
Growing up as a plus-size girl was extremely stressful. Body shaming by family, friends and bullies happened quite frequently. Identified by those closest to her as undesirable, she internalized her pain. As a result, many unhealthy psychological habits formed. Suffering in
silence for years, she secretly explored ways to triumph over her trauma.
Searching for a champion of young, black, and curvy women was challenging in the early 80's. Adversaries were easier to find than advocates. However, Sharon refused to give in to haters and kept searching for solutions. Slowly, it became apparent to her that transformation only comes from within. Locking out the discouraging and belligerent behaviors of others from her mind became her cornerstone. Cleansing many years of painful experiences with daily
affirmations accelerated the process.
Full and fabulous is a state of mind, not a dress size was
born! Confidence is contagious. Building body confidence requires a positive self image. Loving the lady in the mirror gives women permission to be pretty. Sharon looks in the mirror every day and loves everything she sees! Communications with her are deep, fulfilling and empowering. Learning to love the woman
she saw changed her outlook on life. Trusting that woman changed her life forever.
Skyrocketing self-esteem and confidence pushed Sharon to share her formula with the Detroit
community. Coaching generations of vulnerable young black girls on how to flip their feelings of guilt, frustration, and pain into something productive has had a tremendous impact.
Today, thousands of curvy mothers and daughters now stand in solidarity against a world of intolerance
and be heard. Full and Fabulous has progressed from a thought, to a dream and now a movement all because Sharon understood her assignment. Sharon DuMas has been featured on numerous television broadcasts, print media publications and podcasts.
Accolades and Achievements
-2023 winner of Business Shero Award for Ladies Entrepreneur Empowerment Circle.
-The Michigan Chronicles Woman of Excellence Award.
-Multiple Features as a Who's Who of Black Detroit.
-Distinguished for being a W.K. Kellogg Foundation Expert-In-Residence
-Awarded Michigan's HomeTown Health Hero of the
Year by Governor Jennifer Granholm
-Given a Key to the City of Detroit by Mayor Coleman Alexander Young
- Partnered with the NFL for Super Bowl XL community
-Charter member of Action for Healthy Kids
-Author of A Rose is Still A Rose release date Fall 2022.

CEO Full and Fabulous Inc, author, international speaker, and philanthropist.
"Full and Fabulous is a state of mind, not a dress size! Positively impacting the lives of plus-sized young ladies has been a lifelong journey." - Sharon DuMas